Saturday, August 27, 2011

Aidubooks- 愛讀書」電子書城在iTune App Store 排行不斷上升

香港iPad iTunes Store圖書類排行榜第一位
香港iPad iTunes Store 總排行榜最高位置第三位
台灣iPad iTunes Store 圖書類排行榜位列前十大



試想想,如果每人每日花兩至三小時在交通上,而每人再將這點點時間花在用iPhone、iPad等閱讀,看書的人數應該會倍增。而這個想像,漸漸變成真實,皆因由亞馬遜Kindle興起,然後蘋果的iPhone、iPad接手推波助瀾, 大家已不知不覺間進入電子書年代。 電子書是大勢所趨,而App Store 就是最開放的平台
App Store 的世界無邊無界,在下載用戶中,五成多來自海外市場,遍及中澳台星馬泰日韓澳紐美加,甚至瑞士, 「在內地出版書籍,需要跟內地出版社合作,經審查取批文;海外市場讀者接觸我們書籍的機會不多, App Store 就打破了地域的規限。」


App 除了跨疆界,更能跨媒界,接觸到看「面書(facebook) 」多於看書的新一代, 「用戶可在App上直接發表評論,並即時在Fackbook﹑Twitter﹑微博分享選段,增加讀者交流,間接助我們建立口碑。 除着iPad普及化,天地構思在電子書中加入相片﹑高清短片攻年輕市場;也可放大書中字體﹑發展有聲電功能,進攻銀髮族。

如何下載愛讀書 -请鳍下面的例子 

在你的iPhone 或 iPad,尋找App Store並按下進入。
在App Store的搜尋欄輸入 “愛讀書”並在搜尋結果按下 “愛讀書”應用程式。

在“愛讀書”的資料頁面中按下 “INSTALL” 按鈕。

輸入正確的Apple ID 賬號密碼後。“愛讀書”應用程式會下載到你的 iPhone或 iPad上。

source : 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

One Book One World Bookfest Malaysia!

Bookfest is back in Malaysia for the fifth time this year. This time it is bringing along with it a bigger, wider and better range of books than ever before. It will be situated at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre @ Kuala Lumpur. The event will stretch through a total of five halls, from Hall 1 to Hall 5. Publishers and writers from countries, mainly Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom will be at this event. New books will be released, new authors will rise and definitely, more new business opportunities will open up.

However, with the new development in technology we are looking at Ebook readers and applications for books online. We do not see much of such technology being publicized and displayed during the last Bookfest in 2011 . We do hope to see more of such technologies being promoted for the coming show . The Savvies generations are now equipped with the latest gadgets, which helps them keep in contact with the rest of the world and If the leading book organizers were to promote books on these digital platforms, we may be able to entice the younger generation to read more again. An example of a book trying to do this is “Blogging by Million, Earn by Million”.

“Blogging by Million, Earn by Million” is a book written to encourage Youths and Savvies to take up the challenge to explore into all New Media Technologies and using them to start off into entrepreneurship . Through the book, it is an effort to hope that the Youth would put their time to much better use when they are surfing online and develop their creative ideas into new media ideas which will benefits to the economy and society meanwhile enriching oneself .
When they use their Facebook , Twitter and social networking accounts each day, they could use the time to promote their own business ideas, or their own line of products.

Banner Compliment : aidubooks
How do you do that effectively? And how can you expand further on such knowledge?
“Blogging by Million, Earn by Million” will be able to provide the information, tips and aids needed for newbies and existing Internet marketers to better their businesses, and may then improve on their sales as well.

For those who would like to “Benefit by Million”, “Learn by Million”, “Improve Sales by Million”, Be Known by Million”, “Sell by Million” ,”Download by Million ,and “Earn by Million” through the use of the Internet . One can always have a look at the book “Blogging by Million, Earn by Million” to learn the arts and ways to success through the Social Media way.
The book is available in your various ebook format and New Apps store, like the following:

Books in digital format ,be it supported with ebooks apps or epud- format should also be strongly introduced at such Big Shows as the trend of reading with ebook reading device will soon be another norm as we witness the fast growth and sales of Tablet and Smartphone globally .
Such Smart device has enhance the features of portability and allow every individual carry with them all their favorite book and magazine in digital format allowing them to read as and when they wish