Monday, December 26, 2011

Buchbesprechung :Blogging der moderne Weg zum Reichtum

Eine Geschäftsperson lebt von Aufträgen und bemüht sich um die Gewährleistung der Kundenzufriedenheit. Indem er seine Erfahrung an seine Mitarbeiter weitergibt, vergrößert er sein Kundenpotential und erweitert sein Geschäft. Diese Philosophie gilt auch für das Online-Marketing. Tatsächlich ist es sogar einfacher, Wissen über das Internet zu teilen, da die Kommunikation über das Internet schnell und bequem ist. Wissen hat mit Können zu tun. Das in diesem Buch vermittelte Know-how soll euch dabei helfen, online erfolgreich zu sein und euch eure goldene Nase zu verdienen.

Vor allem die Jüngeren unter euch sollten Finanz-Management erlernen, um in dieser Zeit der weltweiten Finanzkrisen den Kopf über Wasser zu behalten. So macht beispielsweise die jüngste Rezession den Bedarf an einem Internet-Marketing-Instrument deutlich, welches jeder Unternehmer, insbesondere in der Startphase, benutzen kann, um sein/ihr Geschäft zu entwickeln oder sich Marketing-Know-how anzueignen. Stattet euch mit Internet-Marketing- und Blogging-Techniken aus. Diese werden euch in der Zukunft nützlich sein, unabhängig davon, ob ihr euer Geld online verdient oder an Werktagen von 8 bis 5 arbeitet. Dieses Buch liefert euch die aktuellsten Tipps sowie eine Anleitung zum Internet-Marketing und Bloggen mit der Unterstützung eines sozialen Netzwerk-Marketings. Die einfachen Schritt-für-Schritt-Techniken bieten Einsicht darin, wie Marketing, Business-Blogging, Suchmaschinen-Marketing und Suchmaschinen-Optimierung zur Maximierung des durch das Internet gebotenen Potentials zusammenwirken, um tonnenweise Geld zu machen. Viele der Dinge, die für das tägliche Leben sowie das Leben im Allgemeinen wichtig sind, werden in der Schule nicht vermittelt. Eines davon ist ‚Wie wird man reich?‘. 

Wenn ihr für jemand anderen arbeitet, legt diese Person euer Gehalt fest. Ein Teil dieses Gehalts wird zur Zahlung der jährlich fälligen Steuern verwendet werden müssen, ein weiterer, um die Miete zu bezahlen, noch einer für eure Mobilität, und dazu kommen dann noch die täglichen Ausgaben. Am Ende wird kaum mehr übrig bleiben als das, was ihr braucht, um euer Essen für den Monat zu bezahlen. „Unternehmer dagegen denken für sich selbst. Sie lernen ihre Arbeitskraft und Ressourcen zu maximieren, während sie andere beaufsichtigen, mit deren Arbeit sie Geld verdienen, und sonnen sich im Licht der so erzielten Gewinne. Sie arbeiten, um Vermögen anzuhäufen, nicht einfach nur, um ein Einkommen zu erzielen.“

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Apps for Travelling Executive on the Move


Blogshelf is the easiest and most elegant iPad news and blog reader in the entire App Store.

While most news readers are complex and only suitable for power users, Blogshelf is designed with the casual user in mind – easy and logical to use to bring a reading experience that is, in a word, peaceful.

All you need to do is choose the blogs and feeds you want to read, and Blogshelf will take care of the rest.

Watch Blogshelf video on YouTube

•Magazine layout, just swipe your finger to navigate
•White/Black theme
•Contrast setting for night reading
•Font adjustment
•Offline reading with images
•Organize blogs and feeds visually
•Swipe menu bar designed for left and right handed users
•Translate text from foreign language to your own, based on your iPad regional setting
•Search feed powered by Google
•Hundreds of handpicked blogs and feeds organized by topics
•Subscribe up to 90 blogs and feeds

If you have any feature request, please drop us an e-mail at [at] We’ll get back to you within 24 hours. Blogshelf presents RSS feed as if they were magazine on a bookshelf,   tap a feed and you’ll get current article presented in a nice, clean list from. Tap through to an article, and just the RSS content is offered. Tap through on the title, and you’re taken to the article’s full web page in the in-app browsers. You can mark favourites, e-mail or tweet an article, or swipe through to the next article, Casual RSS users looking for a low-key way to read their feeds might find this reader to their liking.

Reeder for iPad

If you see Google Reader- the search giant’s free RSS news feed service-you’ll want this app . you can use it to browse your Google reader news feeds by feed or by folder, manage starred items, and share stories through e-mail and twitter.
When iOS 5 was released Reeder was quickly updated. And now that Google has removed features from their feed reader service, again the developer quickly released an update to address those issues. It's sad that we are losing functionality (thanks to Google) but it's great that Reeder is cared for by such a responsive individual. If you don't use Reeder to manage your Google RSS feeds then stop reading and download it now.
The app supports instapaper, ReadeltLater, Delicious , ( also known as and Pinbard, and you can open articles directly in safari, it uses a binder metaphor for browsing through your RSS feeds; all your controls are conveniently lined up on the left. About the only thing you can’t do with it is add new feeds to your account,  but every Google reader users I know swears by this app.

USA Today for iPad

USA Today in the national daily published By Gannett Company ,and it was among the first newspaper to embrace the iPad, Navigation is good. - Read stories from USA TODAY's News, Money, Sports, Life, Tech and Travel sections. Enlarge images, watch related videos, and share stories via email, Twitter or Facebook. Download all stories to read offline; ideal when traveling.

- Review national weather maps and get current weather conditions, up-to-the minute radar images and the five-day forecast for your current location and other locations you set as favorites.

- Get the latest sports scores for NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, college football and basketball. Stay up-to-date on the USA TODAY-ESPN Top 25 Polls for college sports.

- Stay current on airport delays and closures. Get delays information via a nationwide map or a list with specific information about each airport.

- Keep up with recent iPad apps with USA TODAY's App Insider. Read reviews and ratings, view app screenshots, and easily open the App Store for convenient download.

- Watch the latest tech reviews and interviews from Ed Baig and Jefferson Graham in TechWatch and share via email, Twitter or Facebook.

- Check the market numbers by index and create a 'My Stocks' list, a personalized list that will keep you updated on how your stocks are performing

  the layout is nice , and you get national and local news, sports scores, local weather, lots of photos, including gallery of the days best photos ( tap the photo to get the caption) and the option to participate in a daily poll called the USA Today Snapshot, Lastly, you can share article via-e-mail, Twitter , and Facebook .  

Zinio Magazibe Newsstand & Reader

Zino is another big outlet for magazines, and it also server as a shell for multiple issues of each of those magazines. In fact, it’s more like iBooks than the Wired app. Because you can buy multiple magazines within the app.

It is  a better way than ever to explore, read and shop for the world’s best magazines on your iPad. Zinio now has more magazines than ever, and a new app built to make it easier to read your favorites anytime and anywhere. Zinio is the ultimate app for people who love magazines. Access thousands of titles, tens of thousands of issues, and millions of pages of the world’s best digital content. Read what you like!

In EXPLORE, you’ll find articles from some of our best magazines worldwide—with the big headlines, photography, news and insight—from the pages of Rolling Stone, Esquire, Maxim, Elle, and dozens more. Discover more with new articles appearing daily.

In READ, you can download and read your digital issues for online and offline access, archive back issues, and synchronize your library to multiple iPhones, iPads, and other devices. You can jump to articles, access links to browse the Web in-app, view interactive content and video, switch between high-fidelity and plain text modes, bookmark articles, and share articles with friends. Navigating and downloading is now even faster than ever.

In SHOP, you can now buy single issues and subscriptions in-app, and directly with your iTunes account. Find new promotions and special offers, plus great rates on news weeklies, international titles, and annual subscriptions to popular titles - all for under $10.

 Explore and read articles for free from top News, Entertainment, Science & Tech, Art, Lifestyle, Travel magazines and more. Updates daily!
 Read your favorite magazines online or offline, and synchronize your library on multiple devices.
 Shop thousands of magazines from around the world, and buy single issues and subscriptions instantly using your iTunes account.
 Read full-color, high-fidelity pages, or switch to enhanced text mode and resize text for simpler reading.
 Bookmark the articles, pages and photographs you love. Pick up where you left off reading an issue, or organize all your Bookmarks together by date or title.
 Explore links from articles and pages and browse the Web right inside the app.
 More rich media, interactive content, digital-only content than ever for top magazines.

That said, therein lies a downside in the app: Not every digital edition of every magazine is a stellar example of great iPad design, Still, there are a lot of magazines published under the Zinio umbrella, and if you want to read them on your Ipad, Zinio makes it possible.


The App store description of Corkulos calls it an idea board that provides a way to collect, organize, and share your ideas in a way that feels completely natural , I agree completely.

It is a multi-purpose app containing cork boards where you can place notes, labels, photos, contacts, and tasks. Group your ideas visually on one board or spread ideas out across multiple boards (sub-boards also supported). Each cork board has plenty of real estate to capture your best ideas and plans.


Family Message Center, Kitchen Cork Board, Reminder Board, Simple Mind Map, Goal Manager, Vacation/Event Planner, Vision Board, Simple to-do list, Exam Study Aid, Lesson Planner, … and more!


Plan any kind of event, collaborate with friends and colleagues, manage project assignments, brainstorm something BIG, prepare or teach a lesson, track your goals, keep track of your kids' chore list, take notes, build a simple org chart, … and whatever else you might think of.


- iCloud Support: Store your cork boards in iCloud and automatically keep them up to date across all your iOS devices (requires iOS 5.0 or later)
- Dropbox Support: Store your cork boards in Dropbox, access them from all your iOS devices, and share them with other Dropbox users
- Notes, Labels, Photos, Contacts, Tasks, Index Cards, and Arrow Flags
- Multiple cork boards
- Nested cork boards
- Full board view with pinch zooming
- Search cork board items
- Passcode lock main cork boards
- Export, Share, and Import Corkulous files
- Email board snapshots as PDFs or images
- Export board PDFs via iTunes File Sharing
- Save images to Saved Photos album
- Unique back side of the cork board
- Excellent and proven customer support
- Oh yeah, did we mention it's FUN? !!

Group your ideas visually on one board or spread ideas out across multiple boards (sub-boards also supported). Each cork board has plenty of real estate to capture your best ideas and plans.As you might expect from its moniker. Corkulous users a corkboard as its metaphor. You start with a single corkboard but can then create as many additional corkboards as you like.


OmniGraffle knows what makes a diagram different from a drawing, so it knows how to help you make superior documents quickly: it keeps lines connected to shapes even when they're moved, it provides stencils full of objects for you to drag and drop, and it can magically organize diagrams so your ideas come to life.

Using simple multitouch gestures, draw shapes, drag in objects, and style everything until it's just right. Smart guides help you organize your document in a flash, and automatic layout gives you a powerful shortcut to the perfect diagram layout. When you're done, share your creations via PDF export, or open them in OmniGraffle for Mac.

OmniGraffle for the iPad is the best thing I’ve found for creating flow charts and mind maps on my iPad, it combines the best of all three off the aforementioned programs and deliver them on the iPad. Touch screen- via what is possibly the best user interface of any iPad app read that again- I said any iPad app . I wish most of the other iPad apps I use regularly were as throughtfully  designed, powerful, and easy to use as OmniGraffle.

What I like best about OmniGraffle is the way it uses Stencils. Stencils are collections of Pre-made shapes, images, and connectors to use in your documents, as shown in the figure on the left below. On the right side of this images you see the set Of Stencil libraries that come with OmniGraffle ; they include connections , Shapes, software, three-Dimensional, and several others. I’ve since added a bunch of third-party stencil sets for  other uses-  such as web flowcharts. Home-theater connections, video lighting, camera staging , and more.

Using stencil objects is a pleasure. Drag an item from a Stencil Collections onto the canvas and the object behaves just as you expect an object to behave- just as objects behave in your favourite desktop graphics applications such as photoshop, design, and so on, tap an object to select it or tap and drag to select multiple objects at once. Selected items have ‘’handles’’ on the corners and sides, just as you’d expect.


- Use built-in stencils or draw customizable shapes
- Freehand sketch directly onto your canvas
- Touch and drag to connect shapes together
- Touch "lay out now" to automatically arrange your diagram
- Smart guides help you align, rotate, and size objects
- Create multiple page ("canvas") documents
- Share items between your canvases with shared layers
- Wrap text to fit within a shape
- View what styles make up a shape in your diagram
- Select a whole class of objects at once to make changes
- Choose colors from built-in themes
- Create custom colors with support for HSB, RGB, and grayscale
- Create linear and radial fills, blending up to three colors with customizable centers and angles
- Set stroke/line thickness, color, and customize line styles
- Create transparent shape shadows which fall on objects or layers that are behind it
- Define shadow blur/sharpness, transparency, color, and position
- Pinch to zoom in and out
- Combine any two shapes in your document into a table
- Share native OmniGraffle documents via email, or email as a scalable PDF
- Save documents as a graphic in your Photos library

Print n Share

 If you ever have to print documents on your Mac or PC –whether locally over your Wi-Fi network or remotely over 3G or EDGE- print to share is what you need. Plus, it’s so  chock-full of other useful features that I hardly know where to start.
Print n Share is   easy to set up. First install WePrint (freely available on their website) on your MAC or PC, and then download and install Print n Share on your iPhone or iPod Touch. Simply start up the app and let it know that you have WePrint installed and connect to the same network as the desktop running it. From then on, you can print any files directly on your iPhone that can be printed from the desktop running WePrint.  
A nice touch for the app is the ability to print contact information from your Contacts section of the iPhone. Print n Share will access the information directly and provide you with several options for printing, including the much-required DYMO LabelWriter feature. This will let you print directly to the label printer. After you choose the printing template, Print n Share will pull out the information from your Contacts and set the rest up for you.
With that taking care of the Print part of Print n Share, you might wonder what about sharing? Well, the app can be easily configured to work in combination with your networked desktops, online services such as or and even sync with your MobileMe account, so you can share your documents with any of these services and have them available on the go.
Let’s start with the basics. If you have a Wi-Fi – enabled printer , setting up printing couldn’t be easier , I launched print share on my iPad and it immediately discovered both Wi-Fi printers in my house, I could print to both  within  a few seconds of launching the app for the first time.WePrint and Print n Share make up a fully integrated system to take care of any print jobs on the go. With Print n Share on your iPhone and the WePrint Server as your desktop software, you're set to go, well, actually, print.  

GoodReader® is the super-robust highly-rated PDF reader with advanced reading and annotating capabilities.

 It speciality is letting your read the huge PDF or text files that bring other iPad apps to their knees. It’s also one of the best app for reading just about anything- including Microsoft Word, Power Point, and Excel files; iWork 08 and ‘’09 files; Web pages and Safari web archive files.

 With GoodReader on your iPhone, you can read virtually anything, anywhere: books, movies, maps, pictures. Use it once and you’ll be hooked.
GoodReader has earned its accolades by the way it handles huge PDF and TXT files, manuals, large books, magazines. The ability to mark-up PDFs opens up new doors to GoodReader users who can now use typewriter text boxes, sticky notes, lines, arrows, and freehand drawings on top of a PDF file.
Plus a number of high-resolution image file formats, with bookmarks, search , full-screen reading mode, and easy importing from iTunes, iDisk, Dropbox, and other sources, GoodReader is one of the most-used apps on my iPad.


Instapaper's critically acclaimed, award-winning iPhone app is the most popular way to read Instapaper content. View your saved pages in the mobile-optimized Text view. Instapaper is popular among subway commuters and iPod Touch owners because it stores your articles for reading even if you're offline. Save web pages for later offline reading, optimized for readability on your iPhone or iPod touch's screen. Featured by Apple and critically acclaimed by top blogs, newspapers, and magazines!

Great for long articles and blog posts that you find during the day and would like to read, but don't have the time when you find them. Save with Instapaper, then read later when you're commuting, in a meeting, or waiting in line.

Have you ever happened upon a web page with a long , interesting story you wanted to read but don’t have time? Or have you wished you could somehow stick the story in your pocket and read it during the train ride home, on the airplane, or during some other downtime? If you’ve ever wished those things, you’re going to love instapaper-an iPad app that lets you save web pages from any browser and read. Them later on your iPad , with or without an internet connection.

Use Your Handwriting

Yes, use your Handwriting is yet another to-do list organizer/ reminder type app , but it has a unique twist: you can’t type notes or even speak them. Instead, as the app name implies , when you use Use your Handwriting , your write your notes by hand ( actually by finger)  I love the way the screen scrolls automatically to allow you to write entire sentences on one line.  
Have you ever wanted to write fast, beautiful notes without having to use the popup keyboard? How about just using your finger on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad’s gorgeous screen?

Use Your Handwriting® (UYH) is a powerful yet simple way to organize and express yourself. Instead of typing items in, Use Your Handwriting lets you write them by hand (well, by finger) - and with its unique graphic rendering engine, makes what you write look like your actual handwriting!


No matter what your 4th grade teacher told you, you have beautiful handwriting. What you couldn’t do with a pen, you can do with UYH. Choose between five different writing styles and your calligraphy will be amazing everyone in no time.


Have you ever tried using the popup keyboard while walking? We would advise against it. With UYH, you don't necessarily have to look at your device when jotting down a quick reminder or noting a phone number. Start the app, squiggle your note, and you're done. Use the faster "Hyper-write mode" for an even speedier experience.


Use Your Handwriting welcomes new users with a tutorial that teaches you its basic functions by actually using them. Unless you decide to skip the tutorial and brave it, you are guara

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

MPH Carnival 2011 - eReading provide Enrichment Beyond Knowledge

In conjunction with their  105th Anniversary, MPH are proud to present a CARNIVAL out from the ordinary. MPH Carnival 2011, held in the delightful setting of Mid Valley Exhibition Centre set on 8th till 12th December 2011. 

Following the MPH  main theme  this year  ,  " Enrichment Beyond Knowledge," 
They  will specifically  destined  Hall 1   to cater for ebook  reader  and magazine
There  a range  of  ebook readers  like Samsung tablets  and  IRiver ebook reader  will be  for  all visitor’s   trial and play

In comparison  with  other  Bookstore,  MPH  took the initiative  to  introduce their ereading platform
during this carnival   to support their  theme, it is a  challenging  task , as most  other stores are  eager to sell their books off the shelf  and are worried that ebook  will  make self books obsolete .
They  approach  the New technology  and take it with stride as Asian  First   Bookstore to engage ebooks  and introduce  to all  readers at the show .

Experience  ereading  on a New platform ; Free try  out  on the  the mobile  internet enabled  device  for yourself  and your children . Expose  them to the  New technology , as  the internet Web 3 is here to stay  and will be   the rice and butter  for all new happening on the internet .

The coming of  audio -books  with interactive  software for your child , learn   languages  and  many more !!

Hall 2  has an assortment  of educational  and children -related  goods and services  while parents  can shop for their children's school supplies at Hall 3 

MPH carnival 2011 offers varieties of products from books selections to toys, games and back-to-school items. There's also an amazing array of fun stuff to children too, including arts and crafts. 1carnival for all! 
The three main halls are taken for this carnival and have been divided into three sections. Hall 1 is for Book and Magazine Zone, Hall 2 for Education and Kids Zone and Hall 3 for Back-to-School Zone. 

With the anticipation of 250,000 visitors for this 5-day carnival, ensure to make a date at the show  to enjoy fabulous discounts and gifts in a good time!


Saturday, December 3, 2011


网络营销 iPad - 电子书下载 栏目:发布营销人网站及新竞争力网络营销管理顾问原创电子书。传播最新的网络营销理念和规范的网络营销方法 ,希望为网络营销学习者和从业人员有所帮助。



  什么是博客 呢? ,首先要从什么是博客说起。现在关于博客概念的介绍已经非常多了,对博客概念的描述大同小异,简单来说,博客就是网络日志(网络日记),英文单词为BLOGWEB LOG的缩写)
  博客这种网络日记的内容通常是公开的,自己可以发表自己的网络日记,也可以阅读别人的网络日记,因此可以理解为一种个人思想、观点、知识等在互联网上的共享。由此可见,博客具有知识性、自主性、共享性等基本特征,正是博客这种性质决定 营销是一种基于个人知识资源包括 思想、体验等表现形



百万博客 : 这本书主要是让你通过部落格及社会网络及互联网营销有个清楚的概念。书里也列下了如何可以在网络空间获得成功的步骤。你可以从中学会使用world wide web以及详细了解这个令人兴奋的网络世界,学以致用。你将可以在网络上售卖产品,甚至通过搜索引擎优化(SEO)开始联属网络营销,并赚取金钱。当你把网络业务给建立好以后,你就不必养神的去督促它因为你将可以启动自动应答器。然后,你就可以开始好好地享受时间和财务上的自由了。

当妳帮人打工,你的薪水也直接性的受控于人 你部分的薪水被用来摊还所得税, 一部分缴交房租,另一部分给了交通费和每日开销。最后,你只剩下那么一点丁的每个月的粮食费,有别于工人,企业家是为自己思考。他们学会最大限度地发挥人力资源,同时,他们监督他人所做的工作以从中取得收入和牟利,他们工作是为了积累财富而不只是赚取月薪。

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Amazon Kindlefire How to order with delivery for │ Philippine , Hongkong , Thailand & Vietnam

The  Amazon Kindlefire is  not available  to major Asian  cities direct  from Amazon  but with consideration of the  competitive  price in comparison  to major  brand like  the Samsung  Galaxy Tab  ,  Many consumers  will not mind  to pay  for the services to workaround to arrange the  Kindle Fire  to ship  to their international  with paying  for a concierge services

 Introducing Kindle Fire  

 For some reasons, Amazon doesn't ship Kindlefire  to Singapore, Malaysia , Indoneisa , Thailand , Philippine, Vietnam , Hongkong   However, There is a workaround  way  to  buy and order  from  Amazon at a relatively NO RISK  Method  .. For  example to buy a kindlefire  in Singapore you need to pay thru a concierge service via paypal or credit  card .  Your kindlefire  should be shipped to US address first and then forwarded to Singapore.
 The Workaround is to ship the Amazon Kindle  Fire  to a United States  Address  first using the services of online concierges services like Borderlinx , ComGateway  or vPost   who act as third party forwarder to ship your items to  your international address  .  
To  start you will need to have an account with any of these online services which will provide  you with a US address . For  example , you  might  get an  address in Beligum  with Borderlinx , but usually  a US address is provided .
To get a  Kindle Fire  , Visit  and place your order  ;
Lets  say  you are  registered and open an account at Comgateway
Type in  the US address  supplied by the concierge service  ( instead  of your  Home  address )
Complete  the payment with your credit card .
The  concierge   will provide  you  an  input  box to place  the link , of   the product  which you intend to order .
Buyer will identify and confirmed   the product link and purchase price  and   place order accordingly and  item ordered will  also reflect  at the concierge’s  website. An acknowledgement  confirmation is provided by the  service of which  they  will send  you an email to confirmed and informed  when the good  will arrive at your specified address .
A duration of few days  will allowed for the concierge  services to wait for the receiving of the  goods that  you have ordered from Amazon . Once in receipt , the concierge  will  informed to your email  its  arrival at the  US  address   and ask for further  instruction  to your email    where  buyer will input  the  international delivery address  for which the goods will be  sent  by respective mail  by the  concierge service .

The Kindle Fire is a multipurpose tablet for apps, games, internet and videos and music. Of course, the Kindle Fire can read kindle e-books and magazines in full color.
Kindle Fire is now available for pre-order. If you like it, you should order now to get in the queue. Amazon will not charge your credit card until the kindle has been shipped to you.
1. Go to  and create  an account
  • Look for sign in link at the top of the screen. Click New customer? "Start here".
  • If you are already a member you can sign in at this step.

2. Go to  Comgateway  and sign up. Comgateway  is a third party mail forwarder. Once you sign up at Comgateway ( FREE )  , you  will get a US address where your Kindlefire  will be shipped to  first. Comgateway  will then ship your Kindlefire  to Singapore.

3.  Next  choose the  BuyForMe – Service
This service is perfect for 
-       merchants that don't accept your non-U.S. credit card
-       shoppers who don't want to manage shipping within the U.S.

With BuyForMe, buyer  will informed  ComGateway  the  item  they wish to buy  by inputing a product  link in a input box provided by the  site , state  what you want to buy, pay direct to comGateway and they will make that purchase for you on your behalf. Comgateway  will arrange for your packages to be sent to  your   “”My  U.S. Address”” . Please note there is a 5%-10% fee for this service.
4. Your packages have arrived at My U.S. Address. What next?
 You'll receive an email 1-2 working days after your packages arrive at My U.S. Address.
Log into My Account at or your link on your email notification and you’ll be able to find real-time detailed information about your packages. View how much they individually weigh, date of receipt, scanned invoice of package, and  repack availability status.
Since  some packages approve or arrived over weekend or   at different times, ComGateway  will  store  your parcel  for up to 15 days upon receipt, absolutely free!
Once all your purchases have arrived, you might want to consider repacking or consolidating your packages to save further on shipping costs.

5. Go to kindle product page. Make sure you go to the Kindle page for US, not for international shipping.
6. Select "Add to cart" and add your kindle accessories as you need. If you're done, proceed  : copy the link of the selected product  and   visit  to  your   account   ComGateway and  paste the link  to the  Input  box. From there Comgateway  will take on . Check out and Comgateway  will charge you  for the service  with the price of the ordered goods together
7. After your make a purchase, just wait for your kindle to arrive at ComGateway  and they will send you a confirmation email.
9. Relax and wait for your kindlefire  to arrive in Singapore  ( Beside Singapore  ,it applies also for all the other approved countries  in Asian Cities
How much does it cost to buy a Kindle in Singapore?
Shipping Kindlefire  to Asean  Cities  by Comgateway  usually costs around 20-30 USD . Price may vary depend on your accessories.
Charging kindle in Your Cities
Kindle Fire comes with US power adapter which you can use with universal plug adapter to charge the tablet in Singapore. Kindle Fire also supports charging from computer via USB.

Shipping duration and tracking
It usually takes about 3-5 business days to ship kindle from amazon to an US address. You can track shipment by logging in to your amazon and comgateway’s  account.  After that, ComGateway  will ship your kindle to Singapore in about 5-8 days. This process can also be tracked  in your ComGateway ‘s account.
Recommended kindle cover  

Marware C.E.O. Hybrid for Kindle Fire Cover, Black

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Amazon KindleFire will Browse at faster rate than Traditional Browser with SILK

Cloud computing is here to stay.  Amazon  will be launching  its newer services  with  the upcoming release of Kindle Fire. Kindle Fire is a new addition to the Kindle family with a vibrant color touch display that offers instant access to the Amazon Appstore for Android,

along with Amazon's massive selection of digital content and free storage in the Amazon Cloud. A fast and powerful dual-core processor powers the 14.6-ounce device that's light enough to hold with one hand - all for only $199. Kindle Fire puts Amazon's incredible selection of digital content at customers' fingertips:
·         18 million movies, TV shows, songs, magazines, and books
·         Ultra-fast web browsing - Amazon Silk
·         Free cloud storage for all your Amazon content
·         Vibrant color touchscreen with extra-wide viewing angle
·         Fast, powerful dual-core processor

Key features for customers:
Stunning Color Touchscreen: Content comes alive on a 7" vibrant color touchscreen that delivers 16 million colors in high resolution and an extra-wide viewing angle.

Fast Dual-Core Processor: Kindle Fire features a state-of-the-art dual-core processor for fast, powerful performance. Stream music while browsing the web or read books while downloading videos.

Easy to Hold in One Hand: Designed to travel with them wherever they go. Light enough to hold in just one hand, Kindle Fire is perfect for browsing, playing, reading and shopping on-the-go.

Beautifully Simple and Easy To Use: Designed from the ground up, Kindle Fire's simple, intuitive interface lets customers spin effortlessly through their recent titles and websites straight from the home screen.

Free Cloud Storage: Kindle Fire offers free storage for all Amazon digital content in the Amazon Cloud. Apps, books, movies, and music are available instantly to stream or download for free, at a touch of a finger. Existing Amazon account holders can sign up for Cloud Drive to store their files on its servers, it also offers 5GB  free storage.
 They can buy between 20GB and 1,000GB of extra storage for US$1 per gigabyte a year MP3 music bought from Amazon can be stored directly on Cloud Drive and played with Cloud player, a Web application that finds , streams and plays music.

Ultra-fast web browsing - Amazon Silk: Amazon Silk is a revolutionary, cloud-accelerated browser that uses a "split browser" architecture to leverage the computing speed and power of the Amazon Web Services cloud.

Amazon Silk is different in a radical new way. When you use Silk, without thinking about it or doing anything explicit, you’re calling on the computing speed and power of the Amazon Web Services cloud (AWS)
This allows Silk to draw on Amazon’s cloud  for processing power to retrieve and load a webpage more swiftly on the Fire   , the browser  will  stack to push pieces of the computation into the AWS cloud. This lets Silk do more work, more quickly, and all at once.. For example  ; To load a webpage , Silk decides if the tablet’s power can run it  ,it  determine   the page on its  network conditions and page complexity  before or if it needs to extract  and uses the  power from the AWS cloud to load the page .

AmazonSilk browser software resides both on Kindle Fire and on their  massive server fleet  that comprises the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

Finally, Silk leverages the collaborative filtering techniques and machine learning algorithms Amazon has built over the last 15 years to power the “Smooth as  silk “ features  
EC2 servers have massive computational power. On EC2, available CPU, storage, and available memory can be orders of magnitudes larger than on mobile devices.
 Silk is  allowed to  access and uses the power and speed of the EC2 server fleet to retrieve all of the components of a website simultaneously, and delivers them to Kindle Fire in a single, fast stream. Transferring computing-intensive tasks to EC2 helps to conserve your Kindle Fire battery life.

Traditional browsers must wait to receive the HTML file in order to begin downloading the other page assets. Silk is different because it learns these page characteristics automatically by aggregating the results of millions of page loads and maintaining this knowledge on EC2.

While another browser on a  different tablet   might still be setting up a connection with the host server, Silk has already with it  new  “ split  Browser “ has already pushed content that it knows is associated with the page to Kindle Fire before the site has even instructed the browser where to find it.


 As Silk serves up millions of page views every day, it learns more about the individual sites it renders and where users go next. By observing the aggregate traffic patterns on various web sites, it refines its heuristics, allowing for accurate predictions of the next page request.
 For example, Silk might observe that 85 percent of visitors to a leading news site next click on that site’s top headline.
With that intelligence knowledge, EC2 and Silk together make intelligent decisions about pre-pushing content to the Kindle Fire. As a result, the next page a Kindle Fire customer is likely to visit will already be available locally in the device cache, enabling instant rendering to the screen.
( such  features are truly  exclusive only  with Kindle Fire !)

Only $199: The all-new Kindle Fire is only $199. Customers in the U.S. can pre-order Kindle Fire  at

 Guide to  order Amazon  KindleFire for  International Country

The  Amazon Kindlefire is  not available  to major Asian  cities direct  from Amazon  but with consideration of the  competitive  price in comparison  to major  brand like  the Samsung  Galaxy ,  Many consumers  will not mind  to pay  for the services to workaround to arrange the  Kindle Fire  to ship  to their international  with paying  for a concierge services

The Workaround is to ship the Amazon  Kindle  Fire  to a United States  Address  first using the services of online concierges services like Borderlinx , ComGateway  or vPost   who act as third party forwarder to ship your items to  your international address  .  
To  start you will need to have an account with any of these online services which will provide  you with a US address . For  example , you  might  get an  address in Beligum  with Borderlinx .
Lets  say  you r  registered and open an account at Comgateway
Type in  the US address  supplied by the concierge service  ( instead  of your  Home  address )
Complete  the payment with your credit card .
The  concierge   will provide  you  an  input  box to place  the link , of   the product  which you intend to order .
Buyer will identify and confirmed   the product link and purchase price  and   place order accordingly and  item ordered will  also reflect  at the concierge’s  website. An acknowledgement  confirmation is provided by the  service of which  they  will send  you an email to confirmed and informed  when the good  will arrive at your specified address .

A duration of few days  will allowed for the concierge  services to wait for the receiving of the  goods that  you have ordered from Amazon . Once in receipt , the concierge  will  informed to your email  its  arrival at the  US  address   and ask for further  instruction  to your email    where  buyer will input  the  international delivery address  for which the goods will be  sent  by respective mail  by the  concierge service .
