Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Amazon Kindlefire How to order with delivery for │ Philippine , Hongkong , Thailand & Vietnam

The  Amazon Kindlefire is  not available  to major Asian  cities direct  from Amazon  but with consideration of the  competitive  price in comparison  to major  brand like  the Samsung  Galaxy Tab  ,  Many consumers  will not mind  to pay  for the services to workaround to arrange the  Kindle Fire  to ship  to their international  with paying  for a concierge services

 Introducing Kindle Fire  

 For some reasons, Amazon doesn't ship Kindlefire  to Singapore, Malaysia , Indoneisa , Thailand , Philippine, Vietnam , Hongkong   However, There is a workaround  way  to  buy and order  from  Amazon at a relatively NO RISK  Method  .. For  example to buy a kindlefire  in Singapore you need to pay thru a concierge service via paypal or credit  card .  Your kindlefire  should be shipped to US address first and then forwarded to Singapore.
 The Workaround is to ship the Amazon Kindle  Fire  to a United States  Address  first using the services of online concierges services like Borderlinx , ComGateway  or vPost   who act as third party forwarder to ship your items to  your international address  .  
To  start you will need to have an account with any of these online services which will provide  you with a US address . For  example , you  might  get an  address in Beligum  with Borderlinx , but usually  a US address is provided .
To get a  Kindle Fire  , Visit  and place your order  ;
Lets  say  you are  registered and open an account at Comgateway
Type in  the US address  supplied by the concierge service  ( instead  of your  Home  address )
Complete  the payment with your credit card .
The  concierge   will provide  you  an  input  box to place  the link , of   the product  which you intend to order .
Buyer will identify and confirmed   the product link and purchase price  and   place order accordingly and  item ordered will  also reflect  at the concierge’s  website. An acknowledgement  confirmation is provided by the  service of which  they  will send  you an email to confirmed and informed  when the good  will arrive at your specified address .
A duration of few days  will allowed for the concierge  services to wait for the receiving of the  goods that  you have ordered from Amazon . Once in receipt , the concierge  will  informed to your email  its  arrival at the  US  address   and ask for further  instruction  to your email    where  buyer will input  the  international delivery address  for which the goods will be  sent  by respective mail  by the  concierge service .

The Kindle Fire is a multipurpose tablet for apps, games, internet and videos and music. Of course, the Kindle Fire can read kindle e-books and magazines in full color.
Kindle Fire is now available for pre-order. If you like it, you should order now to get in the queue. Amazon will not charge your credit card until the kindle has been shipped to you.
1. Go to  and create  an account
  • Look for sign in link at the top of the screen. Click New customer? "Start here".
  • If you are already a member you can sign in at this step.

2. Go to  Comgateway  and sign up. Comgateway  is a third party mail forwarder. Once you sign up at Comgateway ( FREE )  , you  will get a US address where your Kindlefire  will be shipped to  first. Comgateway  will then ship your Kindlefire  to Singapore.

3.  Next  choose the  BuyForMe – Service
This service is perfect for 
-       merchants that don't accept your non-U.S. credit card
-       shoppers who don't want to manage shipping within the U.S.

With BuyForMe, buyer  will informed  ComGateway  the  item  they wish to buy  by inputing a product  link in a input box provided by the  site , state  what you want to buy, pay direct to comGateway and they will make that purchase for you on your behalf. Comgateway  will arrange for your packages to be sent to  your   “”My  U.S. Address”” . Please note there is a 5%-10% fee for this service.
4. Your packages have arrived at My U.S. Address. What next?
 You'll receive an email 1-2 working days after your packages arrive at My U.S. Address.
Log into My Account at or your link on your email notification and you’ll be able to find real-time detailed information about your packages. View how much they individually weigh, date of receipt, scanned invoice of package, and  repack availability status.
Since  some packages approve or arrived over weekend or   at different times, ComGateway  will  store  your parcel  for up to 15 days upon receipt, absolutely free!
Once all your purchases have arrived, you might want to consider repacking or consolidating your packages to save further on shipping costs.

5. Go to kindle product page. Make sure you go to the Kindle page for US, not for international shipping.
6. Select "Add to cart" and add your kindle accessories as you need. If you're done, proceed  : copy the link of the selected product  and   visit  to  your   account   ComGateway and  paste the link  to the  Input  box. From there Comgateway  will take on . Check out and Comgateway  will charge you  for the service  with the price of the ordered goods together
7. After your make a purchase, just wait for your kindle to arrive at ComGateway  and they will send you a confirmation email.
9. Relax and wait for your kindlefire  to arrive in Singapore  ( Beside Singapore  ,it applies also for all the other approved countries  in Asian Cities
How much does it cost to buy a Kindle in Singapore?
Shipping Kindlefire  to Asean  Cities  by Comgateway  usually costs around 20-30 USD . Price may vary depend on your accessories.
Charging kindle in Your Cities
Kindle Fire comes with US power adapter which you can use with universal plug adapter to charge the tablet in Singapore. Kindle Fire also supports charging from computer via USB.

Shipping duration and tracking
It usually takes about 3-5 business days to ship kindle from amazon to an US address. You can track shipment by logging in to your amazon and comgateway’s  account.  After that, ComGateway  will ship your kindle to Singapore in about 5-8 days. This process can also be tracked  in your ComGateway ‘s account.
Recommended kindle cover  

Marware C.E.O. Hybrid for Kindle Fire Cover, Black

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Amazon KindleFire will Browse at faster rate than Traditional Browser with SILK

Cloud computing is here to stay.  Amazon  will be launching  its newer services  with  the upcoming release of Kindle Fire. Kindle Fire is a new addition to the Kindle family with a vibrant color touch display that offers instant access to the Amazon Appstore for Android,

along with Amazon's massive selection of digital content and free storage in the Amazon Cloud. A fast and powerful dual-core processor powers the 14.6-ounce device that's light enough to hold with one hand - all for only $199. Kindle Fire puts Amazon's incredible selection of digital content at customers' fingertips:
·         18 million movies, TV shows, songs, magazines, and books
·         Ultra-fast web browsing - Amazon Silk
·         Free cloud storage for all your Amazon content
·         Vibrant color touchscreen with extra-wide viewing angle
·         Fast, powerful dual-core processor

Key features for customers:
Stunning Color Touchscreen: Content comes alive on a 7" vibrant color touchscreen that delivers 16 million colors in high resolution and an extra-wide viewing angle.

Fast Dual-Core Processor: Kindle Fire features a state-of-the-art dual-core processor for fast, powerful performance. Stream music while browsing the web or read books while downloading videos.

Easy to Hold in One Hand: Designed to travel with them wherever they go. Light enough to hold in just one hand, Kindle Fire is perfect for browsing, playing, reading and shopping on-the-go.

Beautifully Simple and Easy To Use: Designed from the ground up, Kindle Fire's simple, intuitive interface lets customers spin effortlessly through their recent titles and websites straight from the home screen.

Free Cloud Storage: Kindle Fire offers free storage for all Amazon digital content in the Amazon Cloud. Apps, books, movies, and music are available instantly to stream or download for free, at a touch of a finger. Existing Amazon account holders can sign up for Cloud Drive to store their files on its servers, it also offers 5GB  free storage.
 They can buy between 20GB and 1,000GB of extra storage for US$1 per gigabyte a year MP3 music bought from Amazon can be stored directly on Cloud Drive and played with Cloud player, a Web application that finds , streams and plays music.

Ultra-fast web browsing - Amazon Silk: Amazon Silk is a revolutionary, cloud-accelerated browser that uses a "split browser" architecture to leverage the computing speed and power of the Amazon Web Services cloud.

Amazon Silk is different in a radical new way. When you use Silk, without thinking about it or doing anything explicit, you’re calling on the computing speed and power of the Amazon Web Services cloud (AWS)
This allows Silk to draw on Amazon’s cloud  for processing power to retrieve and load a webpage more swiftly on the Fire   , the browser  will  stack to push pieces of the computation into the AWS cloud. This lets Silk do more work, more quickly, and all at once.. For example  ; To load a webpage , Silk decides if the tablet’s power can run it  ,it  determine   the page on its  network conditions and page complexity  before or if it needs to extract  and uses the  power from the AWS cloud to load the page .

AmazonSilk browser software resides both on Kindle Fire and on their  massive server fleet  that comprises the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

Finally, Silk leverages the collaborative filtering techniques and machine learning algorithms Amazon has built over the last 15 years to power the “Smooth as  silk “ features  
EC2 servers have massive computational power. On EC2, available CPU, storage, and available memory can be orders of magnitudes larger than on mobile devices.
 Silk is  allowed to  access and uses the power and speed of the EC2 server fleet to retrieve all of the components of a website simultaneously, and delivers them to Kindle Fire in a single, fast stream. Transferring computing-intensive tasks to EC2 helps to conserve your Kindle Fire battery life.

Traditional browsers must wait to receive the HTML file in order to begin downloading the other page assets. Silk is different because it learns these page characteristics automatically by aggregating the results of millions of page loads and maintaining this knowledge on EC2.

While another browser on a  different tablet   might still be setting up a connection with the host server, Silk has already with it  new  “ split  Browser “ has already pushed content that it knows is associated with the page to Kindle Fire before the site has even instructed the browser where to find it.


 As Silk serves up millions of page views every day, it learns more about the individual sites it renders and where users go next. By observing the aggregate traffic patterns on various web sites, it refines its heuristics, allowing for accurate predictions of the next page request.
 For example, Silk might observe that 85 percent of visitors to a leading news site next click on that site’s top headline.
With that intelligence knowledge, EC2 and Silk together make intelligent decisions about pre-pushing content to the Kindle Fire. As a result, the next page a Kindle Fire customer is likely to visit will already be available locally in the device cache, enabling instant rendering to the screen.
( such  features are truly  exclusive only  with Kindle Fire !)

Only $199: The all-new Kindle Fire is only $199. Customers in the U.S. can pre-order Kindle Fire  at

 Guide to  order Amazon  KindleFire for  International Country

The  Amazon Kindlefire is  not available  to major Asian  cities direct  from Amazon  but with consideration of the  competitive  price in comparison  to major  brand like  the Samsung  Galaxy ,  Many consumers  will not mind  to pay  for the services to workaround to arrange the  Kindle Fire  to ship  to their international  with paying  for a concierge services

The Workaround is to ship the Amazon  Kindle  Fire  to a United States  Address  first using the services of online concierges services like Borderlinx , ComGateway  or vPost   who act as third party forwarder to ship your items to  your international address  .  
To  start you will need to have an account with any of these online services which will provide  you with a US address . For  example , you  might  get an  address in Beligum  with Borderlinx .
Lets  say  you r  registered and open an account at Comgateway
Type in  the US address  supplied by the concierge service  ( instead  of your  Home  address )
Complete  the payment with your credit card .
The  concierge   will provide  you  an  input  box to place  the link , of   the product  which you intend to order .
Buyer will identify and confirmed   the product link and purchase price  and   place order accordingly and  item ordered will  also reflect  at the concierge’s  website. An acknowledgement  confirmation is provided by the  service of which  they  will send  you an email to confirmed and informed  when the good  will arrive at your specified address .

A duration of few days  will allowed for the concierge  services to wait for the receiving of the  goods that  you have ordered from Amazon . Once in receipt , the concierge  will  informed to your email  its  arrival at the  US  address   and ask for further  instruction  to your email    where  buyer will input  the  international delivery address  for which the goods will be  sent  by respective mail  by the  concierge service .


Saturday, October 8, 2011




 电子书应用的崛起也促使在线书店提供自己的针对智能手机和iPad的阅读应用。这些应用一般都是免费的。例如FBReader, laputa Reader , Aldiko Book Reader, Reader ( Sony ) ,eReader Android , Kindle , Nookbook , Kobo reader,数不胜数。这些内容提供商大部分面向英文读者,也有少数提供中文及其他语种的内容。





近期在香港和台湾,一些中文电子书应用大肆宣传。例如Aidubooks ,  GBbookmall , , shu-book, JMbookstore , qqstore








电子阅读商务在中国迅速的普及化,主办当局因此推出数码出版和技术的专用摊位。汉王(Hanvon是一间专门制造类似亚马逊电子阅读器(Kindle的中国公司。据报告,它在去年,仅仅的一年以内,就销售了150万台的电子阅读器。Jecomtech销售经理,马丁克说,目前仍是印刷书籍的市场,但他补充说: “但我认为电子图书将会增长。他们的确很方便携带,也有人说,他们更加环保。